Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Two tips for teachers

Here are two handy tips for teachers using the Learning Record:

Tip 1: In Word you can choose Navigation Pane from the View menu. This provides a handy navigation menu to the left that allows readers to jump directly from one part of the LR to another. Simply click on one of the items in the navigation menu to jump to that point. The navigation pane can be resized to make it wider or narrower. The triangles allow you to collapse or expand sections of the menu.

Tip 2: I've found it helpful to create a visual reminder of where I am in the process of responding to Learning Records. I use Apple's file label colors to do this. You will find these in the File menu when you have a file or folder selected. The students' LR folders, once I have received them and put them into the class folder have no label. When I have read one, I make its file label red. When I have emailed the teacher comments to the student, I turn the file label blue.


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